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haxxiy said:
JuliusHackebeil said:

And I don't even know if I can trust many reviewers on FF. Because I also agree with Leynos that FF13 and FF15 deserved far worse reviews than what they got. Is it nostalgia? Are reviewers giving FF a pass because of misplaced sentimentality? 14 got wrecked though. So I really don't get it.

Between FF7 and FF10 there were only 4 years. And they managed to put out 4 FFs with some of the best video game stories ever told and some of the most iconic, beautiful art and the most inventive fantasy elements ever. In just 4, 5 years. And than they take 22 years to create the next 4 mainline single player FF games. And up to 16 everything was filled with plotholes, lame, flat uninteresting characters, boring, illogical stories, and writing so bad as if Kojima played them like a fiddle. Dies not bode well for 16. But I heard good things frim FF14. So who knows.

Maybe people just liked them more than you did? That being said, I'm sure the reviews would have been lower today for XIII...

Now, Yoshi-P is behind XIV (widely considered the best ongoing MMORPG) and this, so it should be very unlike most of these games played except perhaps for XII. And if XVI it's very successful that hopefully means Nomura & Co. will be forever shoved aside to just do KH and the VII trilogy.

I get your point: different folks, different strokes. But man, 15s story, so thin that I am hesitant to even call it that, barely made any sense. I vividly remember a mainquest from 15, arriving in some sort of Venice, the most boring and cumbersome town to navigate ever (not the real thing, but the town in the game) and having to search for a wedding dress. What is even that? Or the crew having to figure out where Titan could be, while Noctis has visions of a 200 meter tall crystall in the middle of the map, towering over everything. And since they cannot make sense of these subtle hints, they employ their arch nemesis to go on a joy ride with them to show them the way to the big, glowing plotmaker. So that they can get Titan. So that they have a better chance to go to Nifelheim. So that they can kill the guy they are on a cruise with. So stupid. All of it.

I don't remember 13 that clearly, but it was also a shit story and a shit plot. To me, yes. But most people would agree I think, that 13s and 15s story were a far cry from 7, 9 or 10. And I also have to agree with another user and say: I do play FF mostly for the story and the world. So when that is not alright, it is already doomed to be a disappointment.