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What am I hoping to see?

- I want to see this “1 game per quarter” release schedule (this gens “power of the cloud”)

- I want to see this “mathematically impossible not to start releasing games” release schedule

- I wanna see factual proof that this isn’t just another “wait till next year” year for Xbox

- I want to see an actual release date for Starfield that isn’t another delay.

- Fuck off with your CGI bullshit of games releasing in the next few years, I want to see actual gameplay of actual games releasing in the next year/year and half. I have as much confidence in MS as I did during the last generation when I washed my hands of Xbox, GP was the only thing that brought me back. I want, need to see some actual confidence restored. It’s been 923 days since the Series released it’s time to start delivering already. Last chance.

Last edited by VersusEvil - on 22 May 2023

Ride The Chariot || Games Complete ‘24 Edition