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For the record books, this is the actual Furukawa quote regarding the forecast for hardware shipments for the fiscal year ending March 2024:

"Given that recent hardware sales have declined by more than 20% year-on-year, a 16.5% decrease of 15 million units is not a goal that we will be able to achieve easily."

A6 in this link:

Which is a notable difference to the loosely translated "Reaching 15m is a stretch.", because "not easy" is not the same as "hard".

Aside from this, there isn't really anything worth of note in the document. Things that are mentioned or refered to are things everyone knows or expects already anyway, such as:

1. Nintendo's focus during this fiscal year is maintaining Switch momentum.

2. There won't be next gen hardware this fiscal year.

3. There are currently no plans for a hardware price cut. It's always ambiguous like that, because announcing a price cut in advance is bad business.

4. The SMB movie is having a positive effect on sales and playtimes of Mario games on Switch.

5. Tears of the Kingdom is a big deal.

Legend11 correctly predicted that GTA IV will outsell Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I was wrong.