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pikashoe said:
Darashiva said:

This notion that everyone should just agree outright that BotW and TotK are both undeniable masterpieces and everyone who disagrees is wrong is a bit, well, creepy and concerning. I can't say anything about Tears of the Kingdom since I haven't played it, and I probably won't for a very long time still, but I never thought Breath of the Wild was a masterpiece. It's an excellent game, and one I enjoyed very much, but it's nowhere near the pedestal so many people have placed it on, in my opinion of course. I don't begrudge anyone who loves the game and considers it one of the greatest games ever made, but I also easily understand how others may not view it in a similar way.

I do think we should have critical discussions of the games but I don't think now is the time for that. The game is new people are enjoying it and want to talk to others that are enjoying it. It's a bit of a buzz kill having people that didn't even like botw coming in here immediately shitting all over the new one. Give it a few weeks let people finish the game and the hype to wear off and then get critical about it.

I think lack of critical discussions can really hurt communities on this site. For example the sony fanbase on here seems almost dead, very little activity or discussions and I think that is in large part due to some sony fans on this site becoming very aggressive when people criticise anything made by sony. The amount of times I've seen people called bigots for not liking certain games is ridiculous and extremely reductive. Sorry if this last paragraph is a bit off topic.

I don't think a game being new should exclude critical discussion, as that's the time when most people are playing it and when you can have the most active discussions about it. As I mentioned, I can't really say anything about TotK as I haven't played it, but other people's criticism of a game should in no way influence anybody's enjoyment of said game. Obviously, if those criticisms are made in bad faith and with no basis, then it's fine to ignore them, but I don't like the idea of disregarding someone's negative opinion simply because other people may not agree with it.

Besides, if somebody else's less positive views on a game affects other's enjoyment of it, then those people never had a very strong faith in their own opinion to begin with.