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yo33331 said:
Soundwave said:

But from that people may gain the POV that PS2 was more popular later at age 9/10 than say the PS4 or DS would be ... and I don't think that's actually even true. It just got a chance to hang around because of other factors whereas PS4, DS, etc. weren't given that chance, it's not really a case of "well PS2 was just more popular and had better legs". It's not an issue of sales or popularity, it's an issue of whatever priorities the company has at the time. 

Sony/Nintendo just chose not to give those systems that shot. But the argument is then seized on that "well it means the PS2 was more popular longer than those systems!!!" ... when I just think that's false. 

Yes PS2 was more popular than those systems, and yes it had longer legs, and yes it was for longer. And yes it may be because for those reasons, reasons that PS4 and DS didn't have. It may not be fair, but it is what it is. You can't say black is white and white is black.

There are reason sure. But it is a fact too. When it's there it's there. No matter how. Did it reach it ? It did. Is it on top ? Is it.

Everything can be rotate with if and buts. Hell the world wars if you want we can all say but if this and that it would be different. It would! However it is not, because it didn't actually happened. It happened what it happened and the reality is what it happened. With if and buts you can reach everything.

The fact, the reality is that PS2 did it. It may have 100 reason why and helpfactors, but it did. DS and PS4 and gameboy if you want didn't.

This is part of what is doing the good legs too. Reasons. Everything happens in this world for a reason.

The best ones are the best ones for a reason. Is it the one or the other doesn't matter. The final result matters.

What is long legs and popularity ? sales, success, for a long long time. Did PS2 had it ? yes. Maybe because of some lucky factors, okay. But did it ? yes or no ? yes. Than it's absolutely valid. Did the sales are lower for the ds and ps4 ? yes, then the saying that they are less popular is true. Did they sold for less time with shorter and weaker last few years after primetime ? yes. Then sure, PS2 had longer and better legs then them. End of discussion. It is what it is and you have to face the reality. Everything in this life has a reason. And the reasons themselves don't make the success invalid.

I don't agree that PS2 had better legs than the DS. 

Nintendo easily could have sold the DS at $79.99 for example for several more years but they choked its shipments to peanuts on purpose. 

If anything the DS was punished (just as the PS4) for having sales at a level too high that it was seen as a possible interfering factor for the 3DS.

Same thing with PS4 ... Sony doesn't want to sell PS4s, not because they couldn't sell them at $199.99 ... they could probably sell another 7-10 million PS4s at $199.99 ... but they refuse to offer consumers that option. 

So is this actually an issue of "legs"? No it's not. 

This isn't the case of the DS or PS4 not having market demand, if anything their death warrant is written because they definitely *could* sell several million units at a discounted price and Nintendo and Sony don't want people spending their money there. These systems are basically being punished for being basically stubbornly popular for too long. 

If it was the case that the PS2 simply was more popular at age 9/10/11 for example and DS and PS4 simply could not sell even at a budget price by that time, sure I'd agree, but that isn't really the case if we're being honest. 

This is why I think it's better to just compare like the relevant first 7-8 years of a product cycle. That tells you in better reality which system was actually more popular without interference or "we have to sell our next-gen systems" politics getting in the way. 

Last edited by Soundwave - on 06 May 2023