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javi741 said:
Soundwave said:

If Switch 2 doesn't do so well, the aging, old-ass Switch by that point is not going to do shit either, so I would probably submit that Switch 2 is a massive priority for Nintendo right now and for quite some time. If you're Nintendo's president that has to be your no.1 priority behind the scenes right now. 

If Switch 2 is a dud ... it's such a massive blow to Nintendo and will completely and forever throw into doubt their ability to ever follow up a success. 0/3 successfully following up Wii, DS, and Switch ... you might as well just throw your hands up and admit as a management group you cannot handle success. 

But this they should know full well ... they've known this since 2020, 2021 too, it's not breaking news. 

If Nintendo cannot do the Switch 2 right and/or needs like 9 years to get it out and MS doing MS things ... at what point do you just start to say Sony is the only competent management group in this business, because they seem to have very few problems like this, 5 Playstation models 4/5 have launched very well in reasonable amounts of time too. 

Mr. Furukawa better be eating, sleeping, shitting Switch 2 right now, they need a president that is on the ball right now. A lazy attitude of "we'll just fart out Switch 2 when Switch 1 has wound down most of its momentum" I don't think is a great attitude, you gotta be sharp and laser focused when launching hardware in this biz. You get sloppy and soft or laid back or arrogant and it will haunt you, when you really look at failed consoles those attributes seem to be common denominators in failure. 

The decisions made in the Switch 2's development process in 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, the software that for it that's under development in 2021, 2022, 2023 will probably have consequences for Nintendo that extend into the next decade frankly (2030+). If they nail those decisions and time lines they'll be in good, if they start doing dumb things behind the scenes right now, it will very easily go the other way and be a headache for years and years. 

If the Switch 2 doesn't do well it'll be worse then if they just stuck with the Switch. Because if the Switch 2 doesn't do well then the install base won't be there for software to sell as well and recoup all the money they spent on creating the Switch 2 or the games. Meanwhile, if they stuck to the Switch 1 with consistent software releases, the games will sell much better with a higher install base and they won't need to worry about spending money on developing a new system or the risk that comes with it.

You seem to be acting like people are denying that Nintendo is focusing on the Switch 2 right now, but we aren't. Everyone knows that new console development begins as soon as the latest console is released. I'm sure Nintendo's been working on the Switch 2 for quite sometime now and potentially some games for it too. That doesn't mean the Switch 2 is right around the corner at all. Console companies are always working on the next system, but it doesn't mean they have to release it anytime soon if they don't want to.

lol, they better be working on more than just a "few" games right now, if Mario Kart, a 3D Mario, Animal Crossing, and Smash Brothers aren't in development right now for Switch 2, Nintendo has probably already fucked themselves over in a lot of ways. Really you got to be 4 years ahead of your product release schedule if you're managing a modern game company. 

New systems are always risky, but there's no excuses in this business. No one feels sorry for you if you can't execute. You can't let the fear of that take over your company. 

Be smart, be aggressive, have your software development teams ready to go and you can do fine. 

Switch 2 is probably fairly imminent. Nintendo's job listings are even now mentioning a next generation Nintendo platform, we have the Pokemon leaker who accurately leaked details on a Pokemon Direct saying a new Switch successor console is coming next year, we have Nvidia leaks that show the Tegra T239/Drake not only exists (this is a chip a reliable Nvidia leaker stated would be for the next-gen Switch) but in data leak you can see this chip uses the graphics API listed as "NVN2" ... the only Nvidia product that uses NVN as a graphics API designation is the Switch ... so take a wild guess what NVN2 means. 

The other thing with this record stuff to me is it's sorta illegitimate if you need all these weird quirks to hit these hardware targets (like a massively longer product cycle and radio silence on any successor). If you can't hit the record in a normal 7-8 year product cycle it really isn't as impressive at all IMO. It would be like if they kept re-releasing Avatar 2 in theaters until it hit the no.1 all-time box office record ... I mean fine you did it, but if you needed like multiple releases to artificially heighten it, then to me it's a bit phony. 

Do it in a regular product cycle, Sony could probably hit 150+ million PS4s too if they really were hell bent on doing only that and just delayed PS5 and let it sell indefinitely but that's sort of bullshit in my books too. 

The DS was at 151 million on it's 7th birthday quarter (Q3 2004-Q3 end 2011) with the successor 3DS not only announced but released ... that's way better than the Switch or PS2, IMO that's the legitimate all-time sales champ, if you need like an extra 2-3 years to match/exceed that to me it's bullshit. If Nintendo really wanted arbitrary numbers, they easily could have force fed the DS (to the detriment of the 3DS) to 175 million really and no one would have a prayer of reaching that ever. 

Last edited by Soundwave - on 05 May 2023