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Just keep selling the Switch Lite for another 10 years.

I don't really see the pressing need to phase out hardware to be honest. I wouldn't mind if Nintendo was still selling 3DS hardware frankly. In the past you had to phase out the hardware to make retail space for games for the new consoles (ie: N64 phasing out SNES because where else are the N64 games supposed to go) .... but in today's day and age with digital store fronts you should be able to keep selling hardware and just offer the software digitally so it doesn't have to take up a ton of retail space.

The only reason the PS2 has this record is because Sony just continued to sell the PS2 forever at $99 (also in part due to the PS3 selling like crap out of the gate which is not exactly something to be proud of), to be honest in my view the Switch is more impressive than the DS or PS2 ... it's going to hit at least 140 but at a much higher average price point. 

They could even honestly redesign the Switch Lite a bit and increase the size of the screen and maybe up the battery size a bit (to keep battery life the same) ... there's plenty of wasted room on the Switch Lite due to fat bezels. That would be a fine entry level device especially for kids for say $169.99 or something. 

Last edited by Soundwave - on 24 April 2023