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Chrkeller said:
Kyuu said:

A profitable Switch 2 at $350 or lower would certainly be disappointment, and lead to a much weaker 3rd party support in the long term. $400 should be the minimum (for the standard model), and I hope Nintendo realizes this.

Rather than launch a $300-$350 Switch 2 and lock the price throughout the generation, they should launch a $300-$400 (stripped-down) and $400-$500 (standard) Switch 2's and pricedrop them both in the middle of the generation. They'd still be fine with $300-$350, but the core gamer community would not receive the system as well as they would a more-expensive/more-capable Switch 2 with better and longer 3rd party support.

Where we disagree is bolded.  I don't see any evidence of that.  The switch is grossly underpowered and nobody cares.  Logically nobody is going to care if the switch 2 is under powered.  Fact is most people do not care about power on a Nintendo system, they care about software.  If people cared about power the steam deck would be selling better than the switch, it isnt.

For a handheld device the Switch wasn't grossly underpowered at launch and was a massive leap over the 3DS so power wise it actually impressed a lot of people when it came out since they were able to play big games like BOTW and Doom 2016 on it portability. It is really weak now but that hasn't really impacted it much since it was already past its sales peak by the time it started to really show its age and there was no other good options in the handheld or hybrid gaming space until pretty recently so people who prefer playing games that way have just had to put up with it. Cause of this I'd say the core gamer community does care about power, they'll just put up with the performance issues to play Nintendo games.

I do think if the Switch 2 runs games worse than the Steam Deck that'll cause at least a slight negative impact on its sales particularly software sales since the people who have stopped buying third party games on Switch cause of the Steam Deck won't see a point in coming back.