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CosmicSex said:

The evidence presented showed that Fox knew it was all BS and aired it anyway. Trump representative, Sydney Powell told them that she knew about the companies because she traveled through time and the information was revealed to her through the wind that the late Hugo Chavez was somehow doing all of this. They then proceed to defame and accuse companies of committing crimes using this insane woman as a source.

How was she entertained at all? Oh wait then Trump brought her into the White House as special counsel and gave her a platform. Legend has it the actual White House lawyers almost resigned in protest.

The fun part is that Fox has pretty much not lost any real ratings.  Its still primarily watched by conservatives and still viewed very highly among them.  My conservative friends still view fox as being more truthful than any other media network even with all the release text and info.

I asked them how can you still watch a news media outlet that purposely tell you what they believe you want to hear over the truth.  That shows just how powerful telling people what they want to hear instead of the truth.  Its why politicians lie through their teeth even when they know what they are saying is complete BS and the people who are taking it as gospel also know but they are more than willing to live the lie than face the truth.  The power to manipulate people through their bias has always been and will always be a powerful weapon.  

Think about it this way, even now Trump is leading against all GOP candidates by huge margins for conservatives.  They all rather live the lie then face the truth that he has manipulated them from the start.  Its the reason he always double down on his lies because why not.  When the conservative media never question it and the people that support him just ignore it, he never has to face any consequences.

These Trump years has been the most interesting when you look at human nature.  I was thinking about creating a persona just to see how many people I can get on social media by just playing to their bias and start some crazy stories.  I would start out small and each time get more ridicules each iteration just to see if I can go mass viral.