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Blast from the past (kinda). Finished Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy: The Telltale Series.

Bought the disc version recently as the game has been delisted a few years ago. First problem: It only installed episodes 1, 4 & 5. Episodes 2 & 3 were just 10 MB placeholder files. Couldn't download them from the store either as I don't own them digitally of course.
My solution: Deleted episode 1 and the two placeholder DLCs, reinstall from disc. It worked! ...kinda. It installed episode 1 & 3 this time. So once more I uninstalled episode 1 and the placeholder for episode 2 and reinstalled them from disc and finally I got all of them on my hard drive.

Just in case you want to buy some old delisted Telltale games on disc. This could very well happen to you with their other games as well.

Anyway, it's your typical Telltale adventure with barely any point and click elements and lots of dialogue and QTEs.
Characters are on point and the dialogues are well written. The story structure is quite unusual as the big battle already happens in the middle of the game (between the end of episode 3 and the beginning of episode 4), while episode 5 starts off very slow and then ends in a battle that is so one-sided in favour of the GotG that you never feel any kind of threat.

What also sucked: Achievements that are tied to story progression but won't unlock. Happend to me twice in the very same episode, Beating the first and last chapter didn't unlock. Thankfully I noticed it in time and could delete my local save file before it got uploaded to the cloud so I could replay the last chapter and later one restarted the episode to get the cheevo for the first chapter.

In conclusion, I've played worse Telltale titles but also better ones. If you're a fan of GotG play the Eidos developed game first and then this one. 7.5/10