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I'm beginning to understand why Soul Hackers 2 didn't score that well on Metacritic.
Dungeons are almost as poor as the ones in Persona 4. Story is way worse. All party members are introduced within the first three hours of the game.

Another thing that annoys me: Why is the auto text so poorly designed compared to the Persona series? Text scrolls way too slow and can't catch up to the voice overs. The result of that are unnecessary waiting times between the lines until the text has finally caught up. What's worse, even when the lines aren't voiced, auto text is still in effect. But since the text is scrolling so slow, I press the button to display the whole text box. However, the new text box will pop up only a second after pressing the button so if there are more than two sentences in one text box, I can't read them before the next text box pops up. Persona didn't have this problem. You really expect me to constantly switch between enabling and disabling auto text or wait for an eternity for the text to scroll through?
