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The Switch isn't selling another 40 million. Nintendo have had to adjust their FY projections down because sales are slowing.

A conservative decline would see it sell another 14 million this calendar year, so 134 million by 2024, and then it will likely sell well below 10 million next year.

There's not much left software wise to boost hardware numbers at this point; the system's 4th Kirby game or 6th Pokemon game aren't going to win over many who don't have one already.

The Switch has sold magnificently, but no system can last forever and we're well and truly into the waning years now; it will be six years old next week after all, almost every console ever was winding down or already gone by this point. For perspective, the Switch is now as old as the Wii was in November 2012, and the 3DS was in February 2017.

There's no shame in retiring after a great run.

Pemalite said:
curl-6 said:

Yeah 2024 would be the right time for Switch 2 in my book, early 2024 preferably, that window worked well for the Switch and you don't want to wait too long once decline sets in in earnest, or you risk your brand's appeal wearing off and a big drop in profits in the interim.

140 is a little too high in my opinion, saturation is starting to kick in hard, I'd expect more in the area of 136 million personally. 

But yeah, the DS definitely had more in its favour, living most of its life before smartphones devoured much of the casual market, and selling at very low prices. Switch has neither luxury, so its incredible that it is has sold as well as it has.

If Nintendo does some aggressive price cuts... Which is absolutely more than possible considering it's archaic hardware and ancient fabs that the chips are made on... I don't see why they wouldn't be able to kick sales up some more.

Could you imagine how well the Switch Lite at $149 USD would do? Especially in the current economic climate? Do some digital game bundling, maybe even drop it to $99 USD during the silly season. I.E. Black Friday, Christmas etc'.

I feel like the days of price cuts like this are probably over, especially in the current economic climate. PS and Xbox are adjusting their prices UP rather than down, and Nintendo have prioritized profit over price cuts for the Switch's entire life.