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Basically beat the "story" of Hot Wheels Unleashed.

Nice game but I'm slightly disappointed. Driving is fun but there's also not much variety with only two types of events, race and fast lap. You can pick every car you want for every type of event. While there are a bunch of cars to unlock, once you have a good one there's basically no reason to drive another car with worse stats.

What also bothers me is that there's no speedometer so you can't really see how fast a car is compared to another on the track. It would certainly help to know you exact speed in fast lap events. Also, you're lap time isn't saved anywhere. When driving the same track I would like to know my previous record so I could try to beat it. Btw. there aren't any splits either so you have no clue how far ahead or behind you are compared to the AI.

Talking about the AI. It can be a little inconsistent (of course depending on the difficulty level). Sometimes they're so far behind that I could make several grave mistakes and they still wouldn't be able to catch up and sometimes there are right behind you despite driving flawlessly (while using a car with max speed). Some of the later fast lap events even require you to use questionable short cuts. Even on perfect laps with a maxed out car, I was three or four seconds slower than the target time. Short cuts aren't really part of the track design so that's a surprising choice to make by the devs.
