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SvennoJ said:

I watched a review with my wife, she bailed when it came to the combat. Too many buttons and combos... She's more into Potter than me, so I'll pass.

Maybe the story mode simplifies combat rather than just change HP and DMG values? The need to use a radial wheel (or tool wheel as the game calls it) during combat is a big no no. So far I can't find any info on whether you can stick to one 'setup' during combat without needing the tool wheel. Does the game at least pause when opening the tool wheel? The accessibility options seem rather sparse.

Story mode makes it ridiculously easy. I started on Story mode and it was so stupidly easily that I didn't need to use any potions at all during combat, ended up switching to Easy which at least offers some challenge on certain boss fights (though still not much).

You don't really need to switch hotbars during combat, as long as you are on one of your combat hotbars when you enter combat. You do get dueling challenges which pop-up on nearly every battle which ask that you use certain spells certain ways during the fight, but they are entirely optional, so you can stick with a single combat hotbar an entire fight if you want.

You unlock more hotbars for the spells with talent points once you unlock talents partway through the first season of the game (Summer), you will eventually get 4 hotbars, which isn't quite enough to hold all of the spells you will unlock over the course of the game, but it's enough for 2 combat hotbars, one transfiguration and magical beast care hotbar for the room of requirement, and one exploration hotbar (at least that is what I use each of the 4 for). The game doesn't pause when switching between hotbars (which is holding down the right trigger on controller and selecting which of the 4 hotbars you want with the 4 D-pad directions), but you can pause by entering the spell menu (right on D-pad) and then switch to the hotbar you want while paused in the spell menu I believe.

The game also has extremely generous block/dodge windows compared to many other similar games, you get a B button prompt for dodge or Y button prompt for block/parry on your screen on an Xbox controller (Circle and Triangle on PS controller I believe), like you have about 3 seconds to block/parry or dodge when the prompt appears usually on easy difficulty (edit: it's apparently 5 seconds on story mode), so it is pretty hard to take damage in this game except on a few bosses who have attacks that don't give a dodge prompt, requiring you to actually read those attacks and dodge them on your own, but on story difficulty even those attacks are a joke. 

Edit: Story mode also gets rid of the time limit on the spell learning minigame, and makes capturing a magical beast in your grab bag instantaneous. On easy and above, you have a time limit on the spell learning minigame which gets shorter on each successive difficulty level, and certain magical beasts have a 2 to 5 bar long catching minigame requiring you to use an immobilizing spell on them before you try to catch them.

Last edited by shikamaru317 - on 10 February 2023