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The_Liquid_Laser said:
Norion said:

The key difference is that there wasn't a mountain of evidence showing that it's not possible for the Switch to sell that well. I don't think people are getting pissed off, we're just perplexed you're not changing your expectations after being very wrong on your predictions the past couple years for example thinking the PS5 will be down everywhere but Europe last year and your bet with Curl.

Your explanation in your reply to him just makes no sense since console sales don't work that way at all. They don't suddenly crater later on in a year after being up a lot the first portion so this is just as illogical as the Switch falling off a cliff stuff from years ago. There's just no coherence here since as it was put earlier you expect the Xbox Series to destroy the PS5 in the US but also think it'll sell much less than it this year which completely contradict each other.

And as I asked before if Europe is the only major region you expect the PS5 to do well in why do you expect it to sell a lot less this year when this should be the first year Europe has at least an ok amount of stock sent over? There's a ton of pent up demand there.

Your post sounds a whole lot like the posts thrown at me in 2018 and 2019.  Even the most optimistic Nintendo fan thought Switch only had a 10% chance of being the best selling system.  Everyone else thought the idea was ludicrous.  They even had a mountain of cherry picked evidence like you claim to have.  I stuck to my prediction anyway.  To me, my current PS5 prediction is no different from my Switch prediction in 2018.  I have a very high amount of confidence it will happen even if I don't have the support of anyone else.

In the end time will reveal who is right.

Time already revealed your previous ps5/Xbox prediction to be horrifically wrong. But instead of realising your mistake in vastly underestimating you are doubling down on silly negative predictions for both Xbox and PlayStation this year.