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None. Cinemas have gotten too expensive around here. When I was a kid I could go and see a movie for 10 DM, including snacks and a drink. That equals roughly 5 €. Nowadays the ticket alone is 16 € around here, more if it's in 3D or overtime or some bullshit. The snacks have also skyrocketed in price. Even with inflation in mind it has gotten just plain crazy.

I'm also not alone anymore and when I take my wife and son to the cinema, I will easily spend 100+ € for one single evening. That's just stupid. And it all started when the big franchise cinemas started to pop up everywhere. You can barely find smaller cinemas anymore. Just these gigantic cinema temples with said ridicoulous prices.

I used to be a big fan of cinemas, but it's just not worth it anymore. I go there ever now and then when I visit my hometown where there is still a small cinema. But they're only showing small or very old movies. Which is fine by me. At leas the tickets and snacks are still reasonable priced and I like old movies anyway.

Official member of VGC's Nintendo family, approved by the one and only RolStoppable. I feel honored.