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shikamaru317 said:

Speaking of Square Enix, I see Forspoken trending on Twitter and it's mainly people saying the demo is bad or mid, both critic previews and fan impressions. People who were excited about the game before, saying it has a graphics downgrade relative to the marketing materials, technical issues, cringe dialogue, an empty world, floaty or overly hectic combat. I have been saying much of this since it was announced, it never looked particularly good to me, world traversal mechanics aside. Would have skipped this one even if it wasn't 2 year timed hatted by Sony. Pretty funny that Sony spent 2 year timed hat money on a dud though, serves them right.  

I only know the announcement trailer and I remember the world looking very very empty. Wasn't impressed at all. Other than that the trailer didn't leave a lasting impression.

Last edited by Barozi - on 12 December 2022