Ka-pi96 said:
Do they even have that? Given the lack of maintenance apparently done on their regular army equipment you can't help but wonder how many of their nukes are actually in working order. Taiwan is one of the few good things to come out of this. That was one of my big concerns at the start. If russia had taken Kyiv quickly and won then that may well have encouraged China to have a go at Taiwan too. But it turning into a long drawn out costly nightmare for russia surely discourages China from trying anything. |
I remember being in Taiwan in 2019 when I got an automated message on my phone (an HTC at that time which is Taiwan-made) about a country-wide emergency drill taking place immediately. I was in a touristy mountain village when I received the notification. The police were clearing the streets of cars and people. No one was allowed to drive or even walk. We had to stay 30 minutes on the side of the road until the drill was over. (they were testing how fast emergency response vehicles could get from one place to another in case of a Chinese missle attack).
They are indeed taking it very serious there.