Forgot to update since the hack.
Cobra Kai Season 5
Yet another amazing season, Cobra Kai don't miss, I can't believe this became one of my favourite shows, Lol. It's so anime and crazy, if these dudes suddenly became Power Rangers one episode, I would roll with it, Lol. Baffling that Sony is deciding to bring back Karate Kid but rebooting it again and not part of Cobra Kai canon.
Westworld Season 4
It started good and went onto great around the midway mark but then they shit the bed with the ending, I'm at the stage where I wouldn't really mind if Season 5 didn't happen, I don't know why I should care much about S5's story. Still better than the mess of S2 and forgettable S3 but nowhere near the heights of Season 1.
Obi Wan Kenobi Season 1
It was fine, Ewan was amazing as usual, I liked child Leia too and their scenes together were fun, a certain fight was awesome, but the main villain sucked and had a weak backstory and some of the scenes were poorly done. Not sure I'd really care if it has another season or not, but I'll watch it, nevertheless.
The Wheel of Time Season 1
Enjoyed it but the ending was so damn anticlimactic, I don't read the books, so I don't care what they changed, I liked the actors and characters and I'm interested in learning more about the world, I also think the action is cool too but that ending was so flat and the writing needs improving, it oddly felt sometimes both slow and rushed at the same time, Lol.
I'll forgive them for that though because I read that it had a lot of issues during production due to COVID.
Fargo Season 4
It was good? I don't really know, I think it's better than a lot of shows but it's also a huge stepdown from Season 1-3 of Fargo which I consider all to be amazing, this was just "good" which is disappointing. The black and white episode was the closest to Fargo S1-S3. There was absolutely nothing intimidating about either family head (but at least the Italian was funny).
Chris Tucker felt like a miscast, I couldn't take him seriously, he wasn't intimidating at all and far short of the villains of Fargo S1-S3. He lacked both physical intimidation and mental intimidation, so it sort of left me wondering how he's even the boss. The best characters were either killed off before the finale or had relatively minor roles.
Too many subplots and too many characters I think, I can think of two subplots that could be cut entirely to focus more on the gang drama.