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Tagging @Bandorr as he has a way to bring back edited posts (although it's a slow method) so he may be able to bring back the OP results at least.

For now, a few can be found via Wayback Machine if you have a link, not all though, I don't know how much that helps.

Stupid hyperlink is breaking.

For now, our current idea is to rollback by about 2 years for only users affected by the hack (40+) whilst keeping all their current posts, as it stands right now, we've lost roughly 750k+ posts but rolling back only 2 years would restore the vast majority and only leaves us with ~170k to restore (the site only made 170k posts across the last 2 years) but since we're only rolling back for those affected, it would be less than 170k to restore.

From there, we still haven't figured out how to restore the posts in a mass scale, the current idea is to dump them all into a single thread and have users find their posts, I know it isn't ideal but with a few keywords we could probably find posts quickly and assign them to them (keywords in posts, I.E. Greatest Games Event).

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 19 October 2022