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mZuzek said:
Bofferbrauer2 said:

From what I get as an outside observer (correct me if I'm wrong), Lula won the first round with almost 50%, so chances are he'll win the election.

However, it looks like Congress will have a big push towards Bolsonaro's parties, so I don't know if this would be any hindrance to Lula if he'll be elected.

At this point it's just about getting rid of Bolsonaro, people tend to vote for whoever sides with the current president so the president has to change before the congress.

Anyway. Lula has a 5% lead on Bolsonaro, which is quite decent, but both the next candidates (Simone Tebet and Ciro Gomes) sided with Bolsonaro this year and they amassed 7% of the vote, if we assume most of their voters go with Bolsonaro on the second round, well... Let's just hope they don't. It's kinda weird because Ciro Gomes has traditionally always sided with the left-wing candidates, his voters always go with the left-wing option on the second round, no idea why he did what he did this year and unsurprisingly it lost him a lot of votes. Which again points to his few voters now siding with Bolsonaro.

I'm sure Tebet will side with Lula

She's might be a ruralist, but she's not a fascist

I was thinking she would be neutral, mas she made sure that she will speak her mind in an matter of two days at best

The question is... will her votes go for Lula? Personally I don't care, they can vote null if they please, they just can't go for Bolsonaro