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Bofferbrauer2 said:

From what I get as an outside observer (correct me if I'm wrong), Lula won the first round with almost 50%, so chances are he'll win the election.

However, it looks like Congress will have a big push towards Bolsonaro's parties, so I don't know if this would be any hindrance to Lula if he'll be elected.

The congress is really bad, but we there is a workaround: To buy the establishment with position on ministries and laws that please them 

In Brazil there is a group of congressperson with no clear position on ideological spectre (although deep down most of them are conservative). They are generally single-issue politicians, relatives of other politicians and delegates of some industries who are there to protect the interest of their working classes. 

Those politicians have a name, we call them The Big Center (Centrão), because they can vote with whoever is on government, as long their demands are met. It's like selling you soul to devil, but this is what it is. Lula is very used to deal with them anyway 

In other hand, the Senate this year is clear and obviously right wing and borderline fascist. There was almost no center elected. Those parties aren't on politics just to farm some money and laws to please their own material and financial interests, their intent is to destroy the left wing parties. They will vote against Lula even on propositions they would otherwise vote along if they were proposed by Bolsonaro, because their main concern will be dehydrate the state as much as possible so they can win presidential elections in 2026

To give context, Bolsonaro has now enough majority of senate to nuffily most of Supreme Court decisions, and even to dissolve the Court itself as they can now judge the Ministers of the Supreme Court for crimes of responsibility and misuse of laws. 

The Senate is now, by all means, the rulers of Brazil.