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Like I predicted last year we are heading for another 5M+ year of hardware for the Switch -

Also Splatoon 3 is likely to hit 4M on Famitsu like I thought -

"Anybody worried about YoY comparisons forgets about what an impact a game like Splatoon 3 combined with the rest of the titles I've over-viewed can do in terms of generating additional demand in the country - for new buyers or players looking to upgrade to OLED or whatever other revisions or updates Nintendo decide to go with for 2022. If things are bad they could always drop the price as well, prompting additional short term demand and higher sales in the holidays.

In the end I expect 2022 to land above 2019 and maybe even challenge 2021 - it all depends on Splatoon 3 mainly but Arceus, Breath of the Wild sequel, revisions, price-cuts could also be factors. In anycase an interesting year ahead is in store. I personally expect Splatoon 3 to manage 4 million physical this year alone - and this will surely impact hardware sales as the craze around the game reaches a boiling point.