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Assorted Thoughts

  • Both the Genesis and Neo Geo used different versions of the same CPU chip, and apparently had the same RAM along with Z80 secondary CPU's. I'm guessing that makes them the two most closely related consoles shown here, even if the Neo Geo is clearly more powerful. And to be fair, the Genesis did receive ports of SNK games like Art of Fighting, Fatal Fury 1 & 2, King of the Monsters, Samurai Shodown, and probably a few more games that I didn't find after 15 seconds on Google.
  • That SNES CPU is SLOW, and I suppose this is what Sega meant by not having "Blast Processing." Apparently this was essentially the same CPU used by the Apple IIGS computer, but even back in the 80's, people were complaining that the Apples IIGS was a slow computer. If anyone knows why this chip was used, I'd appreciate a TLDR version.
  • The Sega SVP was clearly more powerful than SFX chips for SNES, but I have to wonder how expensive it was. I know games like Virtua Racing had a MSRP of $100 in the USA, whereas even Yoshi's Island cost "only" $70 upon release ($50 was a relatively standard price). Maybe this is why the only SVP game I can find anything about was Virtua Racing, whereas a few such games were on the SNES. Of course, the 32X could also have also been a factor, since it was a more significant increase in power for the Genesis without being THAT much more expensive, especially after discounts.

Love and tolerate.