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Norion said

It's not bias to think the PS5 will sell less than the PS4. The latter did fantastic so thinking the former will do great but not outright fantastic really shouldn't come across as bias when the competition is a lot stronger this time. Also Sony expecting something doesn't mean it's gonna happen and even if it regains the lead it can still lose it again years later since sales curves can differ a lot.

100%. I mean, the market is full of high expectations. Nintendo thought the Wii U would sell 100M units. EA thought Anthem would be a success. Sony thought they would take over the portable market with the PSP. None of these things happened because the videogame market is way more unstable than people predict. You can go from selling 250M+ consoles and selling almost 2 billion in software one generation (Wii + DS) to selling less than 90M consoles and less than 500M units of software the next (Wii U + 3DS).

No one is saying the PS5 will be a failure, that would be absurd. But it's absolutely reasonable to expect Sonys lofty expectations may not be met.