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Chrizum said:

I finally got Covid. Lots of coughing, but only felt sick for a day. Thought I was over it, and then a few days ago BAM, felt awful and now I'm super tired all the time. Weird disease, never felt like this before. It feels like it comes in waves rather than feeling very sick and getting gradually better like a normal flu. It sucks that I can hardly do any social things anymore. I've had Covid for over 3 weeks now, when will this shit end?

I'm sure you've already gone to a doctor about the reemergence but if you haven't it might be worth it. I had a similar sounding situation where I had covid that wasn't too bad, was feeling better for a week, and then started feeling crappy on the third week after getting covid. Turned out while recovering from covid I got a bacterial infection which the urgent care physician I talked to said they saw all the time. Antibiotics helped me clear it up and now a full month after covid I'm finally feeling like myself. 
