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According to Google, which claims their definitions are provided by Oxford dictionary, art is "the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power". By that definition, I think that video games tick all the boxes; human creative skill and imagination is present in video games in various forms, like making unique character designs, buildings, environment, story, music, gameplay mechanics, artstyle etc. Video games are primarily experienced in visual form. And lastly, video games are appreciated by their beauty and emotional power, if we think about the award ceremonies for visual artstyle, graphics, games for impact, best narrative etc. as well as critic reviews, user score and personal experience. In general, video games are art in my opinion. Also, iirc same discussions had been made decades ago for cinematography, which is now considered an art form as well. We might need some more years to recognise video games as art.