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ConservagameR said:

1. This is why you have so many bad cops, or better put, less useful cops. If that's the US attitude for mistakes, I'll pick another career then.

2. When it comes to school shootings. If the shooter is a boy or a teen, is it ok for a cop to just blow him away?

3. False, yes, but that's rarely how people seem to see it. Trust the professionals, or else, except when, and, or, etc?

4. There aren't any good doctors with bad takes? They are all always perfect?

5. That's not how things work. We have to let the professionals do their job, so we're told. That's why they're the professionals and we're not. The parents going in shouldn't even be a thought in their heads, and yes the cops should have been able to do their job more effectively, but they shouldn't have to worry about cancel culture on top of it, which they certainly do. It goes beyond policing itself.

6. I agree, but I believe the cops would say stop focusing so much on us and cancelling us, which we all know isn't going to happen. So both sides in this point don't get what they want either, because neither side will budge. So this is what we end up with.

Everything has it's repercussions.

You know, I thought you would give me some push back when I said that your argument was "Cops can't even murder children these days without pushback", but no, you've doubled down. I don't know what to do with that. Like, it is so obviously ridiculous on its face that it seems farcical to argue it further.