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Kakadu18 said:
sundin13 said:

Two Professors Found What Creates a Mass Shooter. Will Politicians Pay Attention? - POLITICO

Solid article about how, instead of dumping law enforcement into schools, dumping money into mental health services may be a much better tool for the job of preventing mass shootings. Further, it explains how it doesn't really make sense to assume more guns will deter shooters as this is often seen as an act of suicide.

(My own opinion) Additionally, I was thinking a bit about the stats we were talking about a few days ago in regards to death rate increasing for mass shootings when there is an armed guard present. One possible explanation for this could be that armed guards don't deter attacks, but they do ensure that an individual is better prepared due to a greater expectation of resistance. This increased preparedness could result in a higher death rate if they are able to overcome that initial resistance.

Politicians will never listen to reason. Basically almost all politicians are either corrupt, retarded or insane freaks. There are rare exceptions, but you'll only rarely find one who isn't like any of those three.

Yeah, I'm not really sure why this is an angle that politicians generally don't seem to want to touch. Like, Republicans always say "It's mental health, not guns" after a mass shooting, but I can't remember a single proposal that actually had any force to it coming from the Republicans. On the other hand, Democrats seem to want to focus on guns, which is valid to an extent and I think it is dangerous to go down certain roads in regards to mental health (we should be attempting to provide support, not further demonizing and stigmatizing mental illness) but it still seems like this would be worth exploring.

Side Note: Could you perhaps try to avoid using the word "retarded"? While politicians are certainly deserving of all manners of insults, I think it can be done without using slurs.

cyberninja45 said:
sundin13 said:

Two Professors Found What Creates a Mass Shooter. Will Politicians Pay Attention? - POLITICO

Solid article about how, instead of dumping law enforcement into schools, dumping money into mental health services may be a much better tool for the job of preventing mass shootings. Further, it explains how it doesn't really make sense to assume more guns will deter shooters as this is often seen as an act of suicide.

(My own opinion) Additionally, I was thinking a bit about the stats we were talking about a few days ago in regards to death rate increasing for mass shootings when there is an armed guard present. One possible explanation for this could be that armed guards don't deter attacks, but they do ensure that an individual is better prepared due to a greater expectation of resistance. This increased preparedness could result in a higher death rate if they are able to overcome that initial resistance.

Of course it deters wannabe massshooters, suicidal or not.

The more people armed around you the more likely your mass shooting attempt will fail.

Source: Basic common sense

Citation needed.