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cyberninja45 said:

Do you have reports/studies that show the more people legally armed in an area(zone)the more likely a mass shooting occurs and more deadly the mass shooting? No? Ok

You've already been presented with some of this data:

the-pi-guy said:

"A 2021 study conducted by researchers from University at Albany and RAND examined data from U.S. schools between 2014 to 2018 to evaluate the impact of school resource officers. It found that school resource officers "do effectively reduce some forms of violence in schools, but do not prevent school shootings or gun-related incidents."

In addition, that study found that school resource officers appear to protect students from "a non-trivial number of physical attacks and fights within schools," which could have long-term academic and psychological benefits for students. But schools with resource officers also report more suspensions, expulsions, police referrals and student arrests — and those harsher disciplinary punishments disproportionately fall on Black students, male students and students with disabilities.

Further, when researchers controlled for location and school characteristic factors, "the rate of deaths was 2.83 times greater (emphasis added) in schools with an armed guard present.""

To quote the two studies mentioned in the Politifact link (emphasis added):

Study 1 - edworkingpaper-cover-21-476 (

The results from our analysis indicate that SROs noticeably change school environments and student outcomes. Contrary to frequently cited objectives of SRO programs, the introduction of a full time SRO appears to increase gun-related offenses, perhaps due to increased detection and reporting activities of the police officer within the school. It also marginally increases the likelihood of a school shooting.

In other words, armed guards make school shootings more likely according to this study.

Study 2 - Presence of Armed School Officials and Fatal and Nonfatal Gunshot Injuries During Mass School Shootings, United States, 1980-2019 | Emergency Medicine | JAMA Network Open | JAMA Network

Based on theory, multivariate models include the presence of an armed guard and control for region, school type (public, nonpublic), and grade level (high school, elementary, other); location (urban, suburban, rural); use of lockdown drills; if the attack was targeted; total number of weapons brought to the scene; number of shooters; and weapon type. Results are presented as incident rate ratios in Table 2 and show armed guards were not associated with significant reduction in rates of injuries; in fact, controlling for the aforementioned factors of location and school characteristics, the rate of deaths was 2.83 times greater in schools with an armed guard present

In other words, armed guards make school shootings more deadly according to this study.

I find it quite bold of you to state that we have no data showing these things when you have already been personally presented several of these studies in this very thread. At the very least, these studies indicate that the opposite hypothesis (armed guards reduce shootings and reduce deaths) is unlikely as even if you are unable to draw a causal link from this, to draw a causal link from a negative correlative link seems extremely unlikely (that is even though a and b often happen together, a doesn't necessarily lead to b, but it will be hard to argue that a prevents b given the data). 

Last edited by sundin13 - on 27 May 2022