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KManX89 said:
JWeinCom said:

For fuck's sake, I already said multiple times that the fact that she didn't name him likely doesn't matter. XD Why are you so intent on trying to make me defend a position I don't hold? It's so bizarre that you're vommiting the same stuff at me again. Are you like a bot or something? 

Then why even bring it up? Everyone knew it was about Johnny, which is why he was lambasted by the media for years and he lost out on movie roles, including his most prominent one. It doesn't matter that it doesn't mention him by name or she had a screw loose (which is common knowledge at this point), Amber has no leg to stand on because all the evidence overwhelmingly points to her abusing AND defaming him and her knowing exactly what she was doing, hence the laughing at the end of one such recording (and I think you know what I'm talking about).

Oh, and once again speaking of her story not adding up, Amber was caught in yet another hole in her constantly-changing timeline (read: lie):

XD XD XD XD XD And you're still trying to argue about it. Man, your reaction when this case ends is gonna be hilarious.