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I'm playing through HFW. Sound get the platinum this or next week so not long left to go. Need to start thinking about what game to get next.

I have my eye on two games:

1) FF Stranger of paradise

2) Ghostwire Tokyo

I like hack and slash, I prefer them to be linear, but I loved FF7R as well as Nier Automata and Replicant so I suppose I don't mind if they aren't linear like DMC. 

Good visuals are a bonus, but I suppose Nier was the exception as well as ER, where I didn't mind graphics looking dated. Saying that I also enjoyed Ys 7. I love hack and slash games and I'm not sure what level of hack and slash this game is. Any info here would be good.

I like my FPS games. I played FC which was very much run of the mill Ubisoft. It's a shame as it had a decent story and characters, but it was good fun for cheap.

I love a bit of horror. Enjoyed RE7&8. Loved the trailers for GwT but never got around to buying it. I've watched Japanese and Korean horrors and loved Girl from Nowhere and this gave me some of them vibes. 

Not sure if this will be more Ubisoft or more RE. I prefer more physical combat like in hack and slash games, GOW and Horizon as you get that sense of physical impact a lot of FPS's don't give (I miss you KZ), but I suppose the Asian horror theme song with ninjitsu got me. Oh and it's on sale right now at GAME. 

What are your recommendations if you have played one or both?