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KManX89 said:
JWeinCom said:

I don't know about that. If this were just who puts on a better case, so far, then the winner is clear. But, this is not a level playing field. The bar for defamation is incredibly high. They have done a good job of showing that Amber may be the type of person who would intentionally lie about abuse. But that isn't quite proving that Amber did not believe herself, right or wrong, to be the victim of abuse. With the combination of how vague the op-ed is, the general difficulty of proving what is in someone's head at a particular time, and the way the first amendment has been interpretted in similar cases, it's an incredibly difficult case for the plaintiff's side. Unless you have something very specific to hang your hat on, it's really tough. Establishing a general pattern is about the best they could do, but I don't know if it's enough. 

And honestly, I don't know to what extent Depp really cares about winning the case. I think that the main purpose here is to restore his public image, and if he wins, that's a bonus. In that regard, I think he's already "won" regardless of what the judge/jury determines.

Edit: If Heard is lying, then I would definitely book her in my next movie. Obviously, I have no idea, but if it's not true, it's an amazing performance. We'll see how she does in cross.

"Vagueness" is irrelevant. Amber DID intend to namedrop JD in the WP Op-Ed and all available evidence clearly points to it being about JD in any event. Was there anyone else she filed fake TROs against in 2016? No, and I'd hardly call someone recording the plaintiff (in this case, JD) at their weakest and concocting a Gone Girl scheme to try to throw shit on them as not having malicious intent for writing an Op-Ed detailing their "abuse", especially when she conveniently planned it to coincide with Aqua Man's release. Hell, is it just me, or did Amber literally say she plans to paint fake bruises with makeup, take pictures with friends and show them to the authorities because "no one will believe Johnny"?:

For fuck's sake, I already said multiple times that the fact that she didn't name him likely doesn't matter. XD Why are you so intent on trying to make me defend a position I don't hold? It's so bizarre that you're vommiting the same stuff at me again. Are you like a bot or something? 

Last edited by JWeinCom - on 10 May 2022