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I didn't select any. For me the best value is the middle tier of PSPlus. I don't care about older PS, Xbox etc games, unless they are remakes. I've tried playing them and I just couldn't.

The other reason is quality first party/ exclusive games which the Xbox brand lacks at the moment. I don't care so much about Indies, and could go an entire gen without playing one. I buy my new console for the big budget games that make my machine fire on all cylinders.

I mentioned this before, but I am hoping Sony don't screw up the quality of free games on PS Plus. The games on offer have destroyed anything Gold has offered and ownership trump's subscription all day for me.

The PS Plus Collection alone is a crazy good deal and everyone will have access to it when they subscribe. These are all top tier games across a variety of genres.

Wonder if Sony will have VR Games on there. What I do know is, I have built up a huge library of VR games from my PS Plus sub for when I do get the new VR.