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smroadkill15 said:
IcaroRibeiro said:

I was curious and looked what were the games on PC Gamespass that I don't have yet and I want to play:

- No man's sky
- Star Wars Fallen order
- The Outer Worlds

There are 413 games in the service in my country

I can buy any them on PS4 (some physical, NMS digital) and they would cost me around 600 BRL. Gamepass currently is 45BRL a month. Meaning It would take around 13 months until GP start becoming more expensive than just buying these games which is... bad, really bad

(Interesting, I've counted 17 indies games that I own and I like. I doubt I've spend more than 400 BRL in all them though)

I think my problem with GP is MS itself, I don't like their games, it's unfortunate

You can't buy all 413 games on the ps4 unless you are referring to only those 3 games you mentioned. The thing is, you are only thinking about the games on the service now. Within those 13 months of using the service, way more games will be added and I'm sure there would be stuff that interest you. 

If you don't care about Xbox 1st party games at all, then sure I would say it's not worth it for you. 

I was talking only about the 3 ;) 

I like Fable, The Elders Scroll and some games from Blizzard (Crash, Overwatch, Diablo, Heartstone). In future when more of those games are released maybe it makes sense for me to subscribe for some months 

Also, I don't really like day one releases. I actually kinda avoid them, because they always come with many glitches. I'm OK waiting for 2-3 months until the glitches are fixed before playing. So I also wouldn't mind waiting third parties to come to the service after some months, as long the tell me when it will be on service which unfortunately they don't do (I think Sony will schedule when their first parties will be released on service or at least I hope so)

However if waiting for third parties is not an issue, playing first parties on day 1 is not selling point either. If the games are likely to get fierce discouts after a couple of months then it's better to just wait the games go on sale