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Part of me feels that biden wants all this to be happening. He had already thought through the long list of sanctions weeks ago, he spoke about there will be a catastrophic disater of civillian death rate thanks to putin. A crippled russia is exactly what he wants. Was it worth not trying to negotiate with putin, even if not 100%favorable? is it worth the deaths thousands, possible hundreds of thousands if nuclar warfare is used, and half the population fleeing the country , over policies?

The whole point of a government is to ensure the safety and wellbeing of civillians, foremost. And when that all goes to shit, then you have to ask, did they do everything they can. Did the ukraninan govern,ent/president think putin was bluffing? find that hard to believe. Some one please tell me how what is happening now and what will happen, is not worse that trying to come to terms with putin. Of all people , putin is the last person to test patience with. This is all baffling. Which takes me back to, not one of them in power truly care about the people or civillian loss. Biden will be fine with russian taking over and trying to fight ukraine , hoping to get depleted and drainined economically, weakened. Though biden may be right in the end, the death toll will be huge, and all for power.