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I have little interest in getting into a matter I don't have much expertise in, but there seems to be very little data presented, and what little there is seems to be potentially misinterpreted (either by accident or intentionally). At a quick glance, @sundin13 seems to have a good idea about what's wrong here.

If there's something I've learned over the years, it's that information can be misused and misinterpreted very easily. It's very easy to do either by accident, and it's very easy to do so intentionally. Unfortunately a lot of, if not most, things are quite complex - much more so than you might think at first glance - which means it's extremely easy to miss some relevant viewpoint, which might make a crucial difference. Please be careful when analyzing data, especially when you don't have access to all of the relevant data. It's so easy to get lost in what's convenient and seems to make sense, yet still miss the truth even if you're seeking it.

And just to make it clear: I'm not making many claims about BLM, police bias, and whatnot. I'm just pointing out that the data presented here does not seem to allow for making very strong conclusions, if any.