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I have HBO Max. It took me three sittings to get through this movie. It was terrible. 


It spends the first part of the movie mocking bad sequels, cash ins, and poor reboots while making a poor cash in sequel. They constantly show footage from the first movie. I think Lawrence Fishburne's Morpheus has a much screen time as the new one. Both Morpheus and Smith being named after the original characters does them no favors. Especially Smith. He should have just been a new Agent program. 

The second movie at least had strong action scenes to make it a fun watch. This movie like Revolutions can't say that. In fact the action is the movie is the worst in the franchise and the special effects are subpar as well. I was more impressed by the Matrix Awakens UE5 demo that I was this movie from a technology standpoint. The actions scenes are rife with quick cuts and Neo just throwing up a bullet shield. 

This movie reminds me of talking to a "smart" person that really isn't all that intelligent. It thinks it smarter and deeper than it actually is. Like the second and third movies it really isn't as deep as it pretends to be. 

TLDR: The movie spends it's first act mocking the type of film it turns out to be.