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Freespace 2

YoY: =

Probably one of the more obscure games on my list, Freespace 2 is a brilliant space combat simulator with one of the best stories in video games. It continued the story that began in Descent: Freespace - The Great War, and was intended to lead into another game eventually. As such, it ended on a cliffhanger, which unfortunately will likely never get resolved. Despite being critically acclaimed at the time of its release, Freespace 2 never sold very well, putting a stop to any plans for more games in the series. These days the rights of the series are in Interplay's hands after they bought them when THQ went bankrupt. The cost of the rights was $7500, showing quite clearly what the value of the IP is these days.

It's a shame nothing will likely ever come off Interplay owning the IP, but I suppose one can always hope. Seeing what a talented developer could do with the Freespace licence on modern hardware would be something amazing to behold.