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Probably migrating more of their software over from Wii/Wii U to Switch. But some franchises aren't even properly on the Switch yet. I'd love to see a Joycon Wii Sports game, or at least ports of the old ones. We got a "Fit" game with Ring Fit Adventure - Nintendo barely acknowledged its existence with a relatively quiet launch, but it turned out to be a massive sleeper hit selling over 10 million units, and continues to sell out. Nintendo hasn't shown signs they've taken a hint.

On the Wii U, they basically ignored my favourite game on the console, Xenoblade Chronicles X. I liked it a lot more than Xenoblade Chronicles 2 and feel its only beaten by Witcher 3 on Switch as far as RPGs go... Although, Xenoblade Chronicles X does outclass Witcher 3 in some regards.

Also, I wish Nintendo would add incentives for companies to migrate the rest of their VC games from past generations to the EShop or Nintendo Online bonus services. There are still key titles missing, including some from Nintendo themselves.

I can still turn on my Wii and play the best versions of FF6 and Chrono Trigger. While Square has brought a TON of their catalogue to the Switch that didn't make it to Wii or Wii U, they're still missing some of these key titles. It would be a lot more convenient if they'd just move that stuff over. I would have zero issues paying full price on them, I just want everything on Switch.

That said, it's hard to say there's a "Lack" of catalogue software when I've probably now purchased more of it on Switch than any other console ever... maybe every console combined. Some of the games that have come through on Switch are phenomenal. Grandia 1 and 2, Final Fantasy Legend trilogy, Saga games, including Romancing Saga games, Final Fantasy Fucking 7, 8, and X - three of my favourite games I thought I'd never see on a Nintendo console. Even that sweet update of ActRaiser. Many Castlevania games.

But now I want Soul Blazer, Illusion of Time, and Terranigma. I want Lunar SSS and EB. Suikoden 1 and 2. Real versions of the GTA3 Trilogy with ALL the music (I assume gyro aiming works?). Earthbound, Chrono Trigger, and Final Fantasy 6. Dragon Quest 4 and 5, and 9 (Nintendo published that one).

Not that I need them right away, I have a substantial backlogue. I still look forward to what's coming in 2022. So many possibilities.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.