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Final Fantasy VIII (PS1)

YoY: -1

Final Fantasy VIII is the game that truly introduced me to both the series itself and JRPGs in general. I think I had briefly tried some JRPGs on the SNES before (Breath of Fire comes to mind), but because I never owned an SNES myself I had never really had the chance to properly experience them at my own pace. I had gotten a PS1 for Christmas 1998, and then the following year I saw one of my friends play FF VIII and was instantly intrigued. I still even remember the exact moment in the game as well. It was the SeeD final exam in Dollet, and specifically the moment when the party is attacked by the Anacondaur enemy on the way to the radio tower.

I then got the game for myself that Christmas, and while I got a few other games as well, it was Final Fantasy VIII that I immediately put into the console to play. When the first notes of Liberi Fatali hit during the opening cinematic, I was hooked. It was unlike anything I had ever seen in video games up to that point. There are countless moments in this game that have stayed with me to this day, from the landing on Dollet, to the dance scene, the assassination attempt, the battle of the Gardens, finding Ragnarok in space, and so many more. I know FF VIII has a very divisive reputation among the series' fans, but to me it is unquestionably one of the best games in the series, and easily on par with the likes of FF VI and VII.