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Final Fantasy VI (SNES)

YoY: =

I never actually owned an SNES growing up, and although a few of my friends did, none of them had Final Fantasy VI, so I never actually got the chance to play it until I discovered they joy of emulation in the early 2000s. By that time I had already played through three or four other Final Fantasy games, and owned a PS2, video game graphics had advanced far beyond what the SNES was capable of, and yet, none of that diminished my enjoyment of the game itself. It had already started to dawn on me that graphics aren't really the thing that makes any video game great, and Final Fantasy VI is the game that in many ways crystallized that for good. They're a nice bonus, but graphical quality is far down in the list of things that matter when it comes to great games.

Final Fantasy VI is the first true masterpiece in the series, the game that gave us some of the most iconic characters and moments in video game history, one of the best video game soundtracks of all time, and the best SNES game ever made. Simply put, It's an amazing game, and features one of the best video game stories to this day.