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I had a similar thought not too long ago. It was that as gaming as a medium develops (or as gamers mature (or regress, depending on your point of view!)) there becomes demand for a more profound or meta experience. I think it's similar to how film developed and you begin to see boutique art-house films which arguably had worse acting than higher budget films but prioritised the style and authenticity for the director's vision.

You don't need to look far to find people who scoff at Fast and Furious and other crowd-pleasing films, regardless of the objective quality of their chase scenes and acting, due to some perceived baseness or lack of authenticity to life or a particular vision of it. So I think it makes sense that there is a parallel in gaming. I know this isn't the exact same point as you are making, but I hope you'll agree it's in a similar vein.

That said, it's not something I necessarily feel too much myself. I won't bore you with too much of my personal philosophy, but I have always been sceptical of the artsy types. To borrow from one of Bob Dylan's best songs - My Back Pages - "I'm younger than that now".