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AstroBot Rescue Mission was my favourite game that year. I thought it was so good I almost could not believe my enjoyment of it. And it kept on going with creative fun until the credits rolled. So a sequel to that would be great. I know Astro had a small outing on PS5 already, but I'm talking about the next big thing for Astro. And the idea comes from the little playstation hommage scenes they built into Playroom.

Astro Station:
Where all the Sony IP come together in a joyfull celebration of play.
This could be VR, not sure yet. PSVR 2 would be really something with Astro, but the concept might not be best on VR.
Astro and his crew find a huge, half broken space-station, floating into nowhere. It is a tiny bit scary, but in a fun way. You have to explore a bit and your ship manages to power part of the Station. Turns out: it is a Play Station. A huge space station designed to play games on, with many secrets and hidden levels and levers and cool easter eggs and stuff you can make progress with. A really meaty hub-world with lots of things to do and discover.
But the main part of the game are the levels you can start playing as Astro. Perhaps hoping in picture frame style, holograms manifesting into reality before your eyes, Astro having to put on a VR-Set to start playing, etc.
Whatever it is - from this "Play Station" you land in a level designed after a popular Sony IP. But still with this typical Astro robot spin on everything. I think you should be hunting robot dinosaurs in this game. And paint shiny cobblestone streets red with cute little robot "blood" in a Bloodborne level. And you should unearth a little lost treasure while climbing on dangerous cliffs. And swing through a robot version of NYC to battle against Robot DocOc (and he and his tentacles get along just really fine with both of them being robotic). Sony does not own the IP as far as I know, but there are a ton of fun ideas you could have with Detroit Become Human in an Astro Bot version. Obviously, for one level you have to partner up with Clank to rescue Ratchet and save him from whatever mess he got himself into. And imagine Captain Astro slashing his way through hordes of enemys alongside the Bot of War. I would also want to see some JRPG stuff. Varying gameplay between levels is one of the core appeals of this hypothetical game. So be sure to get your strategies right with turn based sections. Just don't know what classic JRPG Sony owns. But throw as much into the mix as possible while still dedicating true effort to every single IP represented. Make the levels big and meaningful. Perhaps somewhere in between a Kingdom Hearts world and what is a typical Astro level now. Some part of the space station, this "play station" can be designed after Playstation Home. You can just have a ton of fun with this concept.

Weirdly this is not extremely original, not even for a playstation IP. Little Big Planet tried something similar. I can remember there being a Metal Gear level. It just always felt like LBP playing dress up. I want something fully realised.