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Enslaved: Odyssey to the West

YoY: -3

Probably more than any other game on my list, Enslaved: Odyssey to the West is on my list thanks to the characters. I like the gameplay, I love the post-apocalyptic world the game establishes, and the story is very well-told and interesting. It is the best Ninja Theory game I have played. However, above everything else, the reason this game is so high on my list are the two main characters, Monkey and Trip, and the relationship that develops between the two over the course of the story.

Another reason why the game stood out to me, especially at the time, was its world. Despite being set in a post-apocalyptic world, it wasn't the grey, dull, desolate wasteland that was so common in video games at the time, but rather a lush, green and colourful place that was a joy to spend time in. Some aspects, like the gameplay, haven't aged quite as well, but it's still overall a fun game to play. It's just not the main reason I still go back to it every now and then. It's a shame the game ended on something of a cliffhanger, and because it didn't sell well enough we're probably never going to see a sequel.