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Suikoden II (PS1)

YoY: -2

Unquestionably one of the best JRPGs of the PS1-era, Suikoden II remains among the genre's finest offerings thanks to its wonderful and clever story centering around the politics and power struggle in the Kingdom of Highland and the surrounding lands. A smartly written, genuinely mature story wasn't something that was exactly commonplace in video games back in the 90s, but Suikoden II is one such example. With a cast of interesting characters, a beautiful soundtrack and interesting battle system(s) added on top, Suikoden II holds up remarkably well to this day.

Funnily enough, the graphics were at the time criticized for staying close to the style of the 16-bit sprite visuals instead of the more modern 3D visuals that most other developers were using at the time. Today, those 3D graphics have aged horribly, while the sprites in Suikoden II still look very good.