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Farsala said:
Darashiva said:

Let's try to stay ahead here, so here are hints for the next five games on my list.


  • The main character's mistake leads to the death of his mother after she saves him.


  • XIII


  • Lord of Calamity


  • Leave your corporate life behind and take over your grandfather's farm.


  • The whole thing might actually be a stage play.

I will give it a gander.

34- FFVII?

33- DQXI?

32- Harvest Moon?

No to 34 and 33, but one of them is on my list later. 32 was guessed earlier already. It's Stardew Valley.

S.Peelman said:

Stardew Valley

Yes, but it was already guessed.

GoOnKid said:

#35 - Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII

#33 - God of War

No to both. God of War (2018) was on my list earlier.