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Super Smash Bros. Ultimate (Switch)

YoY: -1

The latest entry in what is probably my favourite multiplayer series ever. I don't really even want to think about how many hours I've spent playing the various different Smash Bros. games, but it's literally in the thousands. Whichever was at the time the newest game was, for a period of about 15 or so years, the go-to game my friends and I would almost always play whenever we got together, and for a lot of that period that meant we would play Smash several hours a day, at least four or five days a week.


Super Metroid (SNES)

YoY: -1

This is another game I can't really say anything that hasn't already been said countless times by other people. Super Metroid is not only one of the absolute best games of its generation, it's also still, 27 years after its release, among the best games in the genre it practically created, or at the very least popularized. A beautifully atmospheric title whose impact is still felt in the industry today.