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first i will agree its own opinion that mattes second yahtzee was attacking its as an art, and he was atacking not critiquing 4 years working on a bfa i know what a critique is, i have seen people flee from a room crying, been told my work looked like a dog mauled it.

yahtzee is just being a bully and attacking something he does not like. now i have not seen their coverstains back and forth and do not know either of them personaly but so far i have not seen cad attack him directly or indirectly and i read that each time there is a new comic. so i see this as very low class

second he should just say a throw down on CAD, when i first clicked i was hoppign for a real review of web comicks from girlyyy, to raymondo person.

i view comics as art, bill waterson, was the first one to push me towards this direction. quite a few prof, in college would disagree, however I fail to see what holds them back from being a fine art.

comics are a graphic medium in which images are used to display a narrative... though even, a narrative is not really needed

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog