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Pemalite said:
SKMBlake said:

No no, you missed my point, I wanted to point the weakest thing of the Switch, which is its bandwidth. But of course everything else make the Switch way more powerful.

No. You missed my point.

I am saying that the black and white numbers misconstrued out of it's technical context isn't accurate.

Yes bandwidth is one of the weakest aspects of the Switch, but not as much as you think... Especially at 720P.
nVidia put in allot of work to maximize bandwidth on Maxwell, hence why it was difficult for AMD to keep up at the time... Aggressive culling with a tiled based rasterization approach is extremely efficient... And big improvements to delta colour compression gave tangible real world gains...

AMD "tried" those approaches with it's GCN Vega architecture, unfortunately draw stream binning rasterization was a no-go, primitive shaders fell through and then they tried to bundle it with HBM DRAM to make up for the bandwidth.

It wasn't until RDNA that those technologies finally got activated and AMD regained competitiveness.

Always love reading your technical breakdowns.

In addition to just fanboy bias I think its fair to say that a lot of it comes down to people just not understanding much about how graphics technology works. Also, people conjure up their rose-tinted memories of how good AAA PS3/360 games looked at the time, but compare them to how Switch games look now.